كيفية تعلم الصلاة والوضوء‎

by Haitrez



Prayer is the pillar of religion, and it is the first thing that the servant will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection.Learn prayer and ablution without the Internet The program for learning prayer and ablution without the Internet and the steps of ablution is simple and useful for all age groups, in addition to learning the five daily prayers with the method of performing each prayer, the pillars of prayer and prayer times, voluntary prayers, intercession prayers, Witr, Eid prayers, prayer Istikharah, learn prayer and ablution without the Internet Sunna of prayerIt also includes the most important mistakes that the worshiper can make while performing the prayer, with an explanation of the way to learn prayer and ablution without the Internet in order to correct these errors and avoid them.Learn prayer and ablution without the Internet